safety is one of the main concerns of the authorities. When it comes
to weather, even an expert cannot predict the incoming storm just by
looking at skies. Many people enjoy their favorite activities
outside. Recreational walks, hiking or biking outside the urban zone
can turn into a disaster if you get surprised by the weather.
Luckily, we have tools that can prevent that from
happening. Recently developed and installed systems of early warnings
are put on the sides of the road to signal about an incoming storm or
a flood. Amazing examples of the implementation of such devices are
The Redstone and Rist Canyons where these warning systems are
installed. The area is especially vulnerable to floods, thus making
the product placement perfect execution.
the safety of inhabitants as well as guests of your area is an
important concern to you, a system with the ability of early warning
is a lifesaver (literally). These systems could be implemented in
many different applications, including flood warning, dam safety,
irrigation control, avalanche warning, lightning detection, and
weather monitoring. Even though the market offers more than one
manufacturer, you should look only for the best, it is public safety
that matters the most.
offers one of the best solutions on the market when it comes to data logger software, and these devices function thanks to that. The team
of experts are creating software based on LabVIEW, and ReadyDAQ (daq) is
NI’s partner, which is more than enough to prove their quality.
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