Thursday, 29 September 2016

Save Time in Rapid Prototyping – Part One

Data acquisition system
Rapid prototyping helps us get rid of many troubles along the way and find out if we’re on the right track in creating the desired product. In addition, it lets us share all information and insights with other team members, all that without an actual investment in development.
Rapid prototyping is called that way because it is fast; however, there are ways to make it even faster, thus saving more time and money. We’ve prepared a few tips on how to save time while doing rapid prototyping, take a look.
The prototype is disposable
This is rule number one. Everything is simpler if you follow it. Start thinking of the prototype you’re working on as an object that can be thrown away once it’s served its purpose. There is no need, to have perfectly working software, you only need to learn how some aspect will behave, or how is it going to look like, don’t thrive for perfection.
Everything needs a purpose
Give your prototype a purpose. Rapid prototyping is convenient for gathering clients’ feedback, getting executive buy-in, or sales and account management. Knowing its purpose will help you narrow down your focus to less things which will eventually make the project better.
The purpose leads to requirements
After you’ve decided a reason for rapid prototyping, it’s time to set up some requirements.  This saves a ton on cost and time needed for rapid prototyping. The requirements can be divided into several categories, such are the screens needed for the prototype, interaction, content, and code.  Make these decisions before even starting a project; they will help you avoid stressful situations in the middle of the project.
The last tip was the end of the first part. The second part will follow soon with more useful tips on how to save time while saving time. Stay tuned!

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