Friday, 30 September 2016

Outdoor Safety with the Help of Data Acquisition

Data logger software

Public safety is one of the main concerns of the authorities. When it comes to weather, even an expert cannot predict the incoming storm just by looking at skies. Many people enjoy their favorite activities outside. Recreational walks, hiking or biking outside the urban zone can turn into a disaster if you get surprised by the weather.

Luckily, we have tools that can prevent that from happening. Recently developed and installed systems of early warnings are put on the sides of the road to signal about an incoming storm or a flood. Amazing examples of the implementation of such devices are The Redstone and Rist Canyons where these warning systems are installed. The area is especially vulnerable to floods, thus making the product placement perfect execution.
If the safety of inhabitants as well as guests of your area is an important concern to you, a system with the ability of early warning is a lifesaver (literally). These systems could be implemented in many different applications, including flood warning, dam safety, irrigation control, avalanche warning, lightning detection, and weather monitoring. Even though the market offers more than one manufacturer, you should look only for the best, it is public safety that matters the most.

ReadyDAQ offers one of the best solutions on the market when it comes to data logger software, and these devices function thanks to that. The team of experts are creating software based on LabVIEW, and ReadyDAQ (daq) is NI’s partner, which is more than enough to prove their quality.

How to Protect Your Data Loggers

Data Logger
Some data loggers often end up in hostile environments, and investing in a new one every now and then is probably not something you desire.  We have prepared a set of tips to help you protect your data loggers from birds, to be more precise, we’re talking about weather stations.
Sensors with deterrents
This is the best possible option for protection. However, first thing you need to choose when picking sensors is that it meets all your requirements. After you’ve picked the right sensor, ask if there is a built-in deterrent that prevents birds to interfere with the work of your data acquisition system.
Use add-ons
There are plenty of tools that will help you with this problem. Bird control wire, for example, has needles that prevent birds from roosting at the spot.  Another great solution is adding a realistic looking decoy that will scare the birds away as well as pose as a more suitable target for larger birds like eagles. Just make sure that the decoy is mounted that way that it moves (to a wind for example) so the other birds won’t look at it as a plain static figure.
Be creative 
Do it yourself. There are plenty of deterrents you can create on your own. For example, you can install fishing line above your equipment to prevent the birds from landing at that spot. Another creative, yet so simple solution is to install another perching option for the birds. A crossarm will provide a perching spot for the birds and they will probably (hopefully) leave your equipment alone. Pay attention not to install it above your data logger, but either on the opposite side or somewhere further away from your equipment.
Battling with all possible problems with your data logger is hard enough; don’t fight on two fronts, leave the software to the professionals. ReadyDAQ offers the best solutions for your data acquisition system!

Save Time in Rapid Prototyping – Part Two

Data Logging
Here it is, the long waited part two of our tips on how to save time while – saving time (Yes, one of the goals of rapid prototyping is to save time on development). After you’ve learned about purpose and requirements of the prototype, as well as started thinking of it as a disposable artifact, it is time to introduce our next 3 steps to further improve your rapid prototyping experience.
Avoid working on interactions too soon
Unlike conventional “waterfall” model where it is recommended to start building UI as soon as possible, it is a waste of time in rapid prototyping. It will only create a huge amount of redundant work that will anyway get changed last minute before the deadline. Use the prototype to test what you need to test; UI will come natural at the end.
Test as you go
Wonderful thing about rapid prototyping is that it enables you to test things a lot faster and more often, plus, if there you stumble upon a dead-end, you can always go back and start again (Remember tip #1 from the previous article.) If you’ve done a lot of work without testing it, it may be hard to spot the exact place where things got wrong; so test, test, test, as often as possible.
Be swift
Don’t forget, it’s called rapid prototyping, so you need to honor its name and keep it fast and simple. The prototype will serve its purpose; it will get the desired results a lot faster than with using convectional “waterfall” methods. Just don’t lose your mind on some unnecessary details. Keep it rapid.
Congratulations, you’ve reached the end of the list! We hope that this series will help you and your team to stay focused on the task and to save two resources we’re always lacking – time and money.

Thursday, 29 September 2016

Save Time in Rapid Prototyping – Part One

Data acquisition system
Rapid prototyping helps us get rid of many troubles along the way and find out if we’re on the right track in creating the desired product. In addition, it lets us share all information and insights with other team members, all that without an actual investment in development.
Rapid prototyping is called that way because it is fast; however, there are ways to make it even faster, thus saving more time and money. We’ve prepared a few tips on how to save time while doing rapid prototyping, take a look.
The prototype is disposable
This is rule number one. Everything is simpler if you follow it. Start thinking of the prototype you’re working on as an object that can be thrown away once it’s served its purpose. There is no need, to have perfectly working software, you only need to learn how some aspect will behave, or how is it going to look like, don’t thrive for perfection.
Everything needs a purpose
Give your prototype a purpose. Rapid prototyping is convenient for gathering clients’ feedback, getting executive buy-in, or sales and account management. Knowing its purpose will help you narrow down your focus to less things which will eventually make the project better.
The purpose leads to requirements
After you’ve decided a reason for rapid prototyping, it’s time to set up some requirements.  This saves a ton on cost and time needed for rapid prototyping. The requirements can be divided into several categories, such are the screens needed for the prototype, interaction, content, and code.  Make these decisions before even starting a project; they will help you avoid stressful situations in the middle of the project.
The last tip was the end of the first part. The second part will follow soon with more useful tips on how to save time while saving time. Stay tuned!

Light and Spectra Measurement in Microclimates


Photosynthesis is something we’ve all learned about back in elementary school, and, of course, the fundamental part of it is sunlight. Because it impacts plants so much, some farmers have started using technology to measure the quality and quantity of light in order to get the best possible results from their crops.
No, we cannot do it with our eyes. Our eyes are naturally programmed to adapt to light conditions, thus making it impossible to determine the actual amount and intensity of the sunlight. Measurement is necessary. The most efficient way to measure light (when it comes to plants) is in a specific frequency band called PAR (Photosynthetically Active Radiation), also known as quantum meters and their values are presented in micromoles.
Many spectrometer measure and calculate the intensity of light in a single moment for a single location. If we compare light in a specific field to a rainstorm that is measured with a rain gauge, the quantity of light is determined using a data logger with a light sensor.
Some research studies have shown that bench level lighting in a greenhouse could be lowered by whooping 35-70% over several year due to numerous factors: dust, dirt, poly decline, glazing, hanging baskets, and even the trees outside have the responsibility. Are you planting fields without taking advantage of the available technology? Start using it now!
ReadyDAQ cannot plant your crops, but we can create software; and not just any software, the best software based on LabVIEW and certified by National Instruments as a guarantee of the quality. Try our ReadyDAQ logger lite product for free, we have a 30-day trial version, and let us know what you think. Also you can use our ReadyDAQ for spectrometer product.

Wednesday, 28 September 2016

The Basics of Optical Spectrum Analysis


The measurement and analysis of any optical signals is not an easy task, and probably the hardest one is spectrum analysis. However, engineers and scientists gain valuable information from it, and that’s why the good spectrometer is an important factor for every project that requires spectrum measurement.

You’re probably wondering how does such a device work? Well, it sounds simple, a grating, which is the essential part of every spectrometer, splits the light into its components or wavelengths. The light travels through the mirror and reaches photodetector bar- a device which turns photons into electrical signal and a software interprets them to measure their strength.Sounds simple, right?

With that kind of view of the spectrum, it is not that hard to measure a signal’s frequency, power, modulation, harmonic content, spurs, as well as spectral noise. With these details, total harmonic distortion, occupied bandwidth, signal stability, output power, inter-modulation distortion, power bandwidth, carrier-to-noise ratio, and a host of other measurements then can be seen using a spectrometer. 

Basic understanding of how do spectrometer work is necessary to operate one. Once mastered, they are an extremely useful tools and can help with characterizing and analyzing various devices and systems.
ReadyDAQ has recently announced the release of the software for spectrometers. This software allows users to watch as well as record numerous sequential spectrums, even with delay, and to find a peak in every single one of them for measuring pn-junction temperature of semiconductor devices for example. The software is highly customizable, allowing users to view the collected data in a graph, or to observe spectrums in a continues mode.

The measurement and analysis of any optical signals is not an easy task, and probably the hardest one is spectrum analysis. Basic understanding of how do spectrometer work is necessary to operate one. Once mastered, they are an extremely useful tools and can help with characterizing and analyzing various devices and systems.

Tips for Longer Battery Life

Data Logger

Although we don’t think a lot of them, batteries are essential part of every data logger. Of course, they will always run out or die when you need them the most, that’s why it’s important to take a proper care of them to prolong their lifespan. We’ve prepared a list of tips to help you boost the productivity of your battery
  1. Choose the correct size
First things first, you need to know which battery goes best with your device. The safe bet here is to go by the recommendation of the manufacturer and not worry about it.
  1. Check the voltage
Most data loggers have the ability to measure the voltage of their own batteries, which is a great thing that lets us monitor whether the battery is functioning properly. If the voltage drops below certain point, your device may stop working or malfunction.
  1. Alkaline batteries are not rechargeable
Do NOT try to charge the batteries. Alkaline batteries are not rechargeable, and if you really need a backup power source, buy rechargeable batteries instead of trying to charge the ones that came with the device.
  1. Prevent leaking
Yes, alkaline batteries can leak too. But it can be prevented. Just follow the instruction every manufacturer will give: Do not mix used with new batteries and maintain 9.6 Vdc voltage.
  1. Batteries need air, too
Some batteries (VRLA) should not be left in enclosed space. They emit hydrogen gas and need to disperse it, otherwise, once accumulated, it can cause an explosion.
  1. Protect them from temperature extremes
-25C to 50C are recommended temperature limits, and everything below (over) that is considered an extreme and can end the battery life.
It’s not that complicated, and a healthy battery will serve its purpose for a long time. Keep that in mind!

Although we don’t think a lot of them, batteries are essential part of every data logger. Of course, they will always run out or die when you need them the most, that’s why it’s important to take a proper care of them to prolong their lifespan. It’s not that complicated, and a healthy battery will serve its purpose for a long time. We’ve prepared a list of tips to help you boost the productivity of your battery.

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Data Logger or Data Acquisition?

Data Acquisition System

Which one is right, data logger or data acquisition? We’ve been tossing around these two terms a lot; yet, some people still struggle to distinguish their meaning. Let’s say you want to measure temperature levels, record, and analyze them, which one is the correct answer? Long story short, both are. The distinctions between these two have become so insignificant they’re basically the same.
But, it hasn’t always been like that. Traditionally, data loggers were devices that were powered by battery or DC and recorded data that was shown on a display, if they had one. No connections to the computer whatsoever.
On the other hand, data acquisition referred to a system that was connected to a computer and used its display and storage.
Fast forward to the present, all differences from these two terms have disappeared. However, people still struggle to understand whether data logger and data acquisition as they need different things. A solution to this problem would be further explanation of the products manufacturers are offering. Whether you call it data logger or dataacquisition system, it can be either stand-alone or PC-connected. Whatever term you use, you are correct, but make no mistake when you decide how you want the device to operate. If you want it next to you, connected to a PC, make sure you state that desire. Anyhow, all devices are now somehow connected to a computer, whether it’s via simple cable, Bluetooth or Wi-Fi.
Now that you know what device should you focus on (and how to call it), you’re able to pick the right software for your data logger. ReadyDAQ has the offer for you, and make no mistake, they know what they’re doing. With certified LabVIEW expert and partnership with NI, ReadyDAQ’s engineers are capable of providing you with the best solution for data acquisition.
Which one is right, data logger or data acquisition? We’ve been tossing around these two terms a lot; yet, some people still struggle to distinguish their meaning. Let’s say you want to measure temperature levels, record, and analyze them, which one is the correct answer?

Data Acquisition in Agriculture

Data logger software

What industry employs the third of World’s population, and we couldn’t live without it? If your guess was agriculture, you were absolutely right. The expansion of the land use has stopped over the last few decades after a tremendous increase in the last two centuries, however, the population is constantly growing thus the market needs more of their products. To solve this problem, the agricultural practice needs to be more efficient, and data acquisition has an important role in that cause.
Measurements on the specific sites help determine micro climates and aid in preventing disasters, reacting according to needs and overall management of the location.
The options are limitless, from water monitoring, to light measurement; all aspects can be recorded and monitored for precise managing of the fields.
Relative humidity, for example, helps preventing diseases. Temperature, wind speed and direction, rainfall and even evapotranspiration are all tremendously important factors in agriculture.
Micro climate measurements are affordable and the benefits are huge. Operation-specific monitoring can help you bring important decisions; develop plans and expectations and overall growth and management of your crops. The weather cannot be controlled, but it can be predicted. Don’t let the fate of your job depend on something you don’t have control over, start implementing technology in your fields to boost your production.
ReadyDAQ’s role in data acquisition is to create software. Data logger software we make is based on LabVIEW, our company is partnered with NI and the products we offer are among the best on the market. Get a free quote and try our 30-day trial version today!
What industry employs the third of World’s population, and we couldn’t live without it? The expansion of the land use has stopped over the last few decades after a tremendous increase in the last two centuries, however, the population is constantly growing thus the market needs more of their products.

Sunday, 25 September 2016

Is Your Data Logger Broken?

Data logger
If you’ve started to doubt in the results of the measurements of your data acquisition system, you’re probably wondering whether your data logger is functioning properly. There are few simple steps to determine if the device is broken or malfunctioning, read through the article to find out how.
Step one – Test the power source
A data logger that is not receiving enough power will probably cause the whole data acquisition system to malfunction, and this is the first thing you need to put to a test. This is one of the most common reasons for a data logger to fail. Test whether your batteries, chargers or charging sources are properly working.
Step two – Let the device measure itself
After the successful completion of the power test, the next thing you need to check is whether the data logger is able to measure its voltage and temperature. Most of the devices offer simple instruction on how to do this. If the device fails to correctly measure its own stats, the problem probably lies with the sensors.
Step three – Individual sensor test
If you’ve come this far without realizing what the problem is, it is time to check every sensor, one by one. To do this, you need to restart your device and turn on every sensor one by one and check if they show correct readings. If any of them displays strange results, you’ve got to the bottom of the problem.
Step four – Is it the Software?
Sometimes, your data logger may be working just fine, while the software is causing problems. That’s where you leave it to the professionals who will quickly find the problem. ReadyDAQ has LabVIEW certified experts and they are your best call for any software issues you might have.
Although it can be annoying to determine whether the device is functioning the way it should, it is always better to test it yourself before sending it back to manufacturers. 

Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Ten Reasons to Use Data Logger Software

Data acquisition
Whether you’re trying to make a decision whether to use data loggers or starting a new business and deciding what the best way to go is, we’re here to help you make the right decision. Here are our top ten reasons why should you start using data logger today:
1. Automatically acquire information without human errors
It’s a machine. Machines don’t lose concentration, they work as they were designed and coded and you don’t have to worry about a thing once you set them up.

2. High accuracy technology is better than manual measurement
Again, both software and hardware are developed in a way to bring the best possible results. You simply can’t do it better manually, especially not over and over again.

3. Huge reduction of time and money spent
Not only they do better than human operators, but they do it faster, and once bought, you don’t need to pay them for every hour. Sounds pretty awesome, huh?

4. Devices and software are affordable given all their features and savings
It may seem expensive at the first sight, but you’re actually preventing the wasting of your budget when buying a data logger software.

5. Warnings and alarms are automated
Whenever something’s wrong, you will be instantly notified. These devices are all equipped with sophisticated sensors and connected to the network. You will know of all important changes.

6. Everything is stored!
The devices are run by software designed to save permanent electronic records for regulatory compliance and legal proof

7. Dependable!
You can count that the task will be successfully completed, forget about worrying and wondering whether the job has been done right.

8. Analyze everything!
You can easily go through all the records and browse them the way you choose. Whether it’s a spreadsheet, a pie chart or an anagram, you will have insight of what’s going on.

9. Location is no longer a problem
The devices run on a battery, you don’t have to be physically present while they’re on a mission, you can enjoy the safety or focus on another task while they deal with data acquisition

10. Sharing is caring
You can share the collected data with anyone you desire. That will prevent long response times or potential disasters.
Whether you’re trying to make a decision whether to use data loggers or starting a new business and deciding what the best way to go is, we’re here to help you make the right decision. Here are our top 10 reasons why should you start using data logger today:

Test Automation Trends in 2016 (Part 2)

data acquisition device
We’re back with the second and final part of our list! Read through and let us know what you think.
4. Pair Testing
It’s a undeniable fact that the potency improves once testing and development groups work closely together. Quite clearly, this has become a growing trend, because it permits to quickly bridge communication gaps and more facilitates the immediate resolution of problems. though everything but new, combine testing has recently faced an upsurge. the benefits are ostensibly endless; Abandoning the “developer-tester conflict” in the past, they work along as partners, rushing up the automation of testing situations – and with it the assembly of high-quality code.
Looking at these trends, we have a tendency to believe that a bright future of test automation is ahead of us. Prepare yourself for the rising opportunities within the testing business. Let’s work along so our testing skills can never be outdated!
5. Integration of Test Automation into DevOps
In today’s fast-paced world, customers push for quicker software releases. to attain these formidable goals, new software testing practices are needed. 2016 can see the increase of a plan referred to as “DevOps”. This term encompasses concepts of development, testing and operations and combines practices like continuous integration and continuous delivery, fostering the fast development of high-quality software. in order for this idea to function, the software practicality needs to be immune to changes. It additionally needs a high level of test automation to confirm quality and potency throughout the lifecycle of a software application. Thus, automatic testing needs to be an integral part of DevOps. so as to determine a functioning DevOps atmosphere, test automation are on everyone’s lips in 2016.6.
6. SMAC Testing
With the emergence of apps using SMAC (Social, Mobile, Analytics, and Cloud) on smartphones, wearables or connected devices like televisions, the worth of testing SMAC apps in 2016 has been driven to the next level. These apps need to be tested for the subsequent parameters: practicality on completely different devices and platforms, load, performance, security and usefulness. Therefore, the necessity for sturdy and secure cross-technology test automation methods is more than ever before. the flexibility to secure sensitive “SMAC data”, like user information within the cloud, is a vital issue once it involves selecting a strategic testing approach.
Did you read the first part? Which one of these 6 is your favorite?
We’re back with the second and final part of our list! Did you read the first part? What’s your favorite trend among these?

Monday, 19 September 2016

Test Automation Trends in 2016 (Part 1)

data acquisition system

With more than a half of the year behind us, it is a good opportunity to look back and see what was, or still is hot in 2016 regarding test automation. Take a look at our list and remember, this is only part one, the second one is on the way.
1. Quality Enhancement and Cost Optimization
Today’s technology makes it simple for everyone to match and review software system merchandise. As quality expectations rise, it’s become an increasing challenge to fulfill the customers’ exceptional demands. Providing the simplest attainable software system quality is often connected to increasing development and testing prices. To optimize these prices, it's vital to shift from manual to machine-controlled testing environments. Nevertheless interface testing, a cost-intensive a part of the testing method, remains typically done manually. Using useful test automation for this half would enormously increase the software quality and optimize testing prices. This subject can become even more outstanding in 2016.
2. Cross-Device and Cross-Technology Testing
When software was still a rather easy plan, testing was no magic. Testing of a standalone instance was pretty simple and isolated. Today, in a world of interconnection, things have modified. Tools typically communicate with systems within the background. Everything is connected to the web, will act and exchange information. This method has coined the term “Internet of Things” (IoT). As seen within the example of smart watches, the IoT is on the increase. Testing is needed to address these new challenges. within the year 2016, it'll be a lot of necessary than ever for tests to be ready to validate cross-device and cross-technology practicality.
3. Agile Testing and Continuous Integration
The usage of agile testing responds best to the challenges of 2016, wherever it’s all concerning high-quality software, speed, and interaction. The importance of recognizing and responding to changes within the software instantly has been established. However, it’s never been mentioned that superior agile testing is simple, as software testers need to be included in each side of the software development project. New tests are generated unendingly and further to existing automation in parallel to the software development itself. Agile development utilizes continuous integration tools like Jenkins or TeamCity. These tools facilitate the combination of machine-controlled tests, leading to frequent and quicker software package releases.
What do you think of current trends? Stay tuned for part two of our list!

With more than a half of the year behind us, it is a good opportunity to look back and see what was, or still is hot in 2016 regarding test automation. Take a look at our list of top trends in test automation in 2016.

Water Quality Control: Preserving the Nature while Providing Fresh Water

data acquisition
Not long ago, a water department started to use data loggers to control water quality and record levels of dissolved oxygen in multiple lakes and slow rivers to monitor the health of aquatic life. If DO concentrations are too low, the life in these waters will be at a huge risk, particularly in stagnant environments. Since DO concentrations are caused by temperature, they get much lower during the summer, the water department wanted to prevent dying of the fish this summer.
The department posted three GSM/GPRS data loggers -- a solution that is both effective and cheap. These devices are created for fast deployment at a low price.
At every location, a data logger has been put in a fiberglass case connected with the necessary sensors. This made it easy for them to install these devices on the riverside. For increased safety, the loggers have a hard construction and are able to withstand temporary submersion.
Equipped with a socket for the external antenna, the devices transmit all the collected data automatically using GPRS communications. Data acquisition is handled using telemetry server which is accessible online. Now, the water department director gets all the data on their computer each Monday morning along with a warnings in cases when DO concentration is too low.
Furthermore, each data logger has lithium battery pack which is replaceable at the spot and only requires to be changed once in 5 or more years.  This is makes it even more effective when combined with cheap GPRS ‘always-on’ protocols.
The data loggers have already made the whole process way more financially sustainable by logging every water value and automatically sending data directly to their office, they are left to acquire information even during the harsh weather conditions.
This is one of many examples where data loggers provide effective solutions which saves time, money and provides even better results. While you are free to take care of the hardware, you are free to leave the software to us. ReadyDAQ offers the highest quality data acquisition software based on LabVIEW as well as data acquisition systems with devices based on NI. Their experts are completely capable of leading you through a labVIEW projects and prepare the software part while you deal with the hardware.

Sunday, 18 September 2016

The Development of Data Acquisition

data acquisition
Data Acquisition, otherwise known as DAQ, is a generally known term that alludes to a PC based framework involved simple and/or computerized sources of info and yields. Today, most frameworks are based upon PCs, yet there is still an expansive business sector for frameworks based upon different stages, for example, VME and PXI and in addition those in light of exclusive installed controllers.
In the near past, the generalization of a designer or an engineer was somebody in a white scientist's coat watching one or more monitors and composing results on a clipboard. The coming of to a great degree ease PCs, joined with the improvement of a wide assortment of effective data acquisition interfaces has driven this generalization more remote back in history than high contrast films. Likewise, most school graduates in science and building disciplines have enough programming preparing and experience to make the programming required for DAQ applications entirely direct.
There is a wide assortment of interfaces used to associate information securing equipment to PCs. Most mainstream among these are the PCI transport, Ethernet and USB conventions. Notwithstanding interfaces associating DAQ frameworks to standard PCs, there is a quickly developing business sector for implanted frameworks where a project is composed and sent on the information obtaining framework itself, permitting it to run standalone.
In the mid 1980's, the point at which the PC-based DAQ business sector was in its earliest stages, most simple information and yield gadgets offered 12-bit resolution. There were additionally some lower speed items with more noteworthy than 12-bit determination and various rapid items offering determination in the 8 to 10-bit range. Today, the innovation has changed and the standard determination is 16-bit, with DAQ items offering resolutions up to 24-bit while a portion of the higher pace, lower determination items are notwithstanding testing the execution of low end computerized oscilloscopes.
Today, ReadyDAQ offers the highest quality data acquisition software based on LabVIEW as well as Data Acquisition systems NI based (DAQ). Their experts are completely capable of leading you through a labVIEW projects and prepare the software part while you deal with the hardware. Why not give it a try today?

Friday, 16 September 2016

Understanding Data Logger Devices

Data logger software
Data acquisition is all around us and we’re probably rarely aware of their presence. However, data logger devices keep doing their job from the shadows and provide invaluable information. To explain it simpler, weather forecast is not done by some voodoo magic, it is based on precise information acquired through data loggers.
For someone working closely with data acquisition, simply understanding, let’s say, weather forecast is not enough. It is crucial to know what types of data acquisition systems are there and what’s the best for your project.
There are 6 most common data logger devices: Bluetooth, wireless, miniature single input, multi-channel, handheld and modular data loggers.
·    Bluetooth data loggers are practical due to their ability to connect to mobile phone or a tablet and monitor one or more transmitters through the app installed on the device.
·    Wireless data logger are mostly used for measuring humidity, temperature and pressure of the area. They are ideal for acquiring weather and barometric pressure data, as well as monitoring places with sensitive materials.
·    The cheapest type of data loggers, used for a specific purpose to measure single input type. The most common usage is in the transport industry.
·    Multi-channel data logger have fixed amount of input channels usually for a single input type. Some devices offer up to 8 channels.
·    Handeld loggers are also multi-channel devices used for mobile data acquisition. In cases where you need to acquire information from more than one location, these devices are ideal solution. Some devices even come with built-in printers allowing you to have immediate access to the hardcopy of the data.
·    Modular data loggers are the advanced devices with the ability to expand and configure according to your needs. They use plug-in modules to expand and do exactly how you program them.
While choosing a right device can be tricky, you don’t need to worry about the software. ReadyDAQ offers one of the best data logger software on the market. Test it today!

Thursday, 15 September 2016

Why Do We Need Data Loggers?

Data Logging
Data loggers are need for a large number of reasons, usually to make sure that industry specific regulations are respected, as well as for quality and environmental control. Furthermore, data logger lower the costs by making the efficient energy management possible or putting the number of wastage of damaged goods.
Without further ado, here are some practical examples:
  • The food industry EC Directive 92/1 clearly states that every organization associated in the preparation, depository or transit of food must confirm that the temperatures are maintained at the indicated level. Data acquisition provides absolute transparency from the starting preparation  to the deployment at the designated location.
  • Data acquisition systems aid in making sure that compliance with World Health Organization regulations that vaccines should be systematically monitored and stored within a temperature range of +2 to +8°C all the time until the point of final distribution among the population. 
  • The organic fertilizer industry uses data loggers to assist them in attaining rigid environmental regulations, requiring the fertilization process temperatures to be observed and documented with the highest precision. 
  • Precise environmental data acquisition assists companies in making sure that HVAC systems are used to their full potential, ensuring the comfort and prosperity of residents while the energy use and costs are kept to a lowest point possible.
  • Carbon dioxide data logger devices provide the verification that HVAC systems are functioning properly while also assisting with following BB101 recommendations regarding the ventilation and CO2 concentrations in schools and other public buildings.  These regulations indicate the relevance of tractable ventilation in maintaining air quality inside the buildings and at the same time minimizing energy wastage, and suggest the use of CO2 detectors as one way achieving this.
Of course, these are just some of the examples of mandatory usage of data acquisition system. Take a look around, there are dozens of other examples right next to you.

Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Data Acquisition is Helping the Environment

data logger
The industrial age has taken our civilization to the next level. We’ve created machines, high-tech technologies, jobs and overall advancement of the human race. Unfortunately, everything comes with a price. This time, it is the nature that takes the toll and the future does not look bright.
Luckily, not all of us are sitting idly waiting for something to change. There are numerous organizations with the cause to preserve the environment. What does all this have to do with data acquisition?
 Let’s take The Freshwater Trust as an example. They’ve been working for a long time now on restoration of water levels in Pacific northwest, however, the results are not always that obvious. That’s where data logger came to save the day. They’ve deployed a dozen of data loggers to collect information and understand better the results of their actions. Over time, they were able to monitor the changes in the water temperature and act accordingly. 
 Without this kind of information, they environmentalists would not be able to know whether the steps they take to preserve the nature have any effect.
The key to their success is a long-time monitoring of the changes in the water temperature as their actions take place. This is not a task that can be done over night, therefore the best data logger devices are required for the best results.
While these heroes are fighting at the front lines, it would be all impossible without the proper logistics. Data logger software is the essential part of every data acquisition system, thus the latest applications are required. ReadyDAQ has been working for a long time to developed an amazing software applicable in water industry, including the devices the environmentalists use. 

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

The Pros and Cons of Automation

labview projects

So you’re finally considering of implementing automatic testing in your business? Let’s see what are the good and the bad sides of automation in general, and you decide which of these factors concern your business.

  • It’s over with hard and boring work
That’s the whole point of automation. The job that someone would do for hours can be done with a machine, and it’s all automatic.
  • We spend less
You buy the machine, but you don’t pay it for every hour it works. The same goes for software developing.
  • Easy maintenance
Simple surveillance and occasional maintenance are the only thing required in order for everything to go smoothly.
  • Machines do not get tired
Everything a machine or an automated software does will finish faster that if I person or even a team would do it. They do not need a lunch break.
  • We’re safer when a machine does it
In some cases people may get exposed to high temperatures or radioactive and toxic atmospheres, we better let machine do it for us.
  • It’s not possible to automatize everything, yet
Unfortunately, (or fortunately?) not everything is able to be automatized yet. But how the things are going, we just need to be patient.
  • It costs more at the beginning
You need to invest a certain sum to purchase a machine or software that will do the work for you. However, it literally pays of itself.
  • No maintenance may result in a loss of product
If we’re not carful, the whole project may fail. We can’t rely on a machine to do everything, skilled professional are required to watch over them and make sure everything is going as intended.

As you can see, the cons are overwhelmed with pros, and they are not really cons if we plan ahead and responsibly. We’ve shown you the both sides, now it’s your turn to make a decision.

So you’re finally considering of implementing automatic testing in your business? Let’s see what are the good and the bad sides of automation in general, and you decide which of these factors concern your business.

Monday, 12 September 2016

Data Acquisition and Rapid Prototyping in the Water Technology Industry

data acquisition system

Rapid or fast prototyping is the new system of developing software. Instead of using the conventional waterfall system, where the long periods of planning, preparing and testing are included, rapid prototyping skips that part and head over to creating a software with minimal functionality to provide the insight of the designed project and make corrections “on the go.”

The water technology industry is vast. It ranges from providing drinking water to using wastewater. The standard water meters are used in almost every household, but for how long? New, advanced data acquisition system are being created. Advanced automatic meter reading includes using mobile, satellite, Wi-Fi and touch technologies. Data acquisition system in water technologies is working fine and data loggers have proven to be trustworthy.

Without the doubt, the whole water industry have the possibility to create new technologies with the usage of rapid prototyping. Smart meters, for example, are already used for measuring the usage of electric energy, but it is slowly penetrating the market in the water industry.
Fast prototyping will provide faster development of the new smart meters for the measurement of the water usage and determine whether these devices have the future in the water industry.

If you’re already planning on starting such a project, hold it right there. How did you plan to do it? Only because it is water technology, it does not mean that you have to use the conventional waterfall system to develop the product. Rapid prototyping is available and it saves both money and the time for your project. ReadyDAQ (daq) has developed a software that can be easily implemented in your project and take you to the next level. Try it today!

If you’re planning on starting a project regarding water technology, hold it right there. How did you plan to do it? Only because it is water technology, it does not mean that you have to use the conventional waterfall system to develop the product.

Where Will Internet of Things Have the Most Important Role?

Data logger
As it is already known, Internet of Things is the next big thing in the very close feature, or we could just say that it’s already present. The hype around this subject has rapidly grown.

When facing IoT for the first time it can be tricky to choose the right prototyping board, and we will try to give you some hints with this article. Before we even start talking about a prototyping board, we cannot skip mentioning something about Internet of Things in general.
There is no simple definition of IoT, but there are several descriptions taking into account different aspects. Generally speaking, IoT is the combination of wireless technologies, micro-controllers, services and Internet.
The internet is the tool devices used to connect with each other, which means that every single device needs to have the ability to connect to the network so that they can exchange data and information.

All devices exchange data through internet and they are able to collect information about their surroundings by using sensors. Every single “thing” connected to the network can be either the source or the destination of the information flow. From this point of view, the security aspect plays an essential role: it is of highest importance that all the data stays secure.
Internet of Things will have a huge impact in agriculture, energy, health-care, logistics and transportaion.

ReadyDAQ’s software is among the among the best ranked in their category, and every IoT project regarding medical devices and automation must include their data acquisition system. Data logger made by ReadyDAQ is available for testing with their FREE 30-day trial of the lite version of the software.

Friday, 9 September 2016

What Do You Need to Know Before Starting an IoT Project

data acquisition

You can see it everywhere. IoT projects are rapidly being created and with the usage of advanced technologies, it is hard to follow up with the latest trends. According to Gartner, over 40 percent of organizations are already using, or plan to use IoT in 2016. That definitely tells something.

Being the top business initiative for vast number of companies, you need to know few things before getting involved in IoT project.

  • Required skills set
Data science and analytics are the most wanted sector when it comes to Internet of Things. Data mining and machine learning needs have risen for over 1000 percent in total.
IT & networking as well as engineering and architecture have also faced the huge rise in popularity with over 100 percent in total. If your project includes wearables, electrical engineering, 3D modeling and GPS development are necessary for it to work. Of course, we can’t talk about skills set without mentioning software development and security engineers.
  • Development platforms
This is where you get started, and you need to choose the platform according to your needs. ReadyDAQ has done an amazing work in utilization fast prototyping which is the core of IoT development.
  • Security
It is an absolute must that we keep our eyes open regarding the security. The IoT contains sensitive information, and we must approach with caution when choosing who has the insight over all the stored data.
Every IoT device comes with it’s own “eyes and ears,” and by that, we mean sensors. The sensors connect all the necessary information so the device can properly communicate with other devices and function as it was designed. ReadyDAQ can probably build the best data acquisition system for you, and our suggestion is that you always go with them.

So, what’s it gonna be? Are you prepared to take part in the shaping of the future? Browse more through our blog and find out about everything you need.

IoT projects are rapidly being created and with the usage of advanced technologies, it is hard to follow up with the latest trends. Being the top business initiative for vast number of companies, you need to know few things before getting involved in IoT project.

How Does It Look to Live in a Smart Home

Data logger

Internet of things is going to automatize and ease our everyday tasks and chores, and, in the world of smart technology, smart home is already a thing. While behind it are hundreds of sensors, wi-fi technologies, data logger software and everything else that sounds complicated, living in a smart home seems pretty simple and satisfying.

Your smart phone has an alarm set-up for 7 a.m. to get you up for work, but it won’t be that annoying ring tone you can’t stand, it will “tell” your player to play one of your favorite songs from the playlist. While you’re brushing your teeth, the coffe-maker will get the signal to start brewing, and the microwave will start heating up the breakfast you’ve prepared the day before.

As you leave your garage which was automatically opened after you’ve started your car engine, the door will close behind you and activate the security system, yes, you can forget about the keys.
Although it cannot affect traffic, your GPS device will navigate you through the fastest route to your destination, and you will no longer have to worry about whether you’ve left the stove on, your devices will take care of it for you.
At the end of the month, the electricity bill will be surprisingly low, the IoT has your back on this part too, it traces your movement and sets up the thermometer, lights and water heater accordingly.

Sounds like something from the future huh? Well, some people are already living it. For example, Songdo, South Korea, is a smart city, the first of its kind.

Whether you’re working on a IoT project or thinking of upgrading your home to smart, data acquisition system is a necessity for it to function. ReadyDAQ has the best data logger software available that saves you time and money on the development. Give it a try!

Internet of things is going to automatize and ease our everyday tasks and chores, and, in the world of smart technology, smart home is already a thing. Living in a smart home seems pretty simple and satisfying. From the moment you wake up, until you leave your home, smart technology will simplify your life!

Wednesday, 7 September 2016

What Is Spectrum Measurement and How Is It Done?

data logging

Spectrum analyzers, according to Wikipedia, “measure the magnitude of an input signal versus frequency within the full frequency range of the instrument. The primary use is to measure the power of the spectrum of known and unknown signals.

Now you probably want that translated into English, right? In other words, the light goes through or reflected from a medium, and spectrometers are “breaking” the light into smaller components trying to get hold of as much information as possible. These components are the spectral power per wavelength.

However, it is not enough to just have a tool to measure the spectrum. Data logger are necessary to collect and store the information for further evaluation.

If you’re on a mission to analyze a spectrum, you need an amazing software that will provide the best possible results. That’s where ReadyDAQ comes in to save the day!
Our software ReadyDAQ for spectrometers will allow users to record numerous spectrums in a row, watch them in slow-motion and detect the peak of every spectrum. Sounds handy!
And that’s just the beginning. Companies developing products based on laser diodes will probably need to have the exact information about PN junction temperature presented in a graph. ReadyDAQ (daq) has got that covered too! This software makes data acquisition simple and perfect.
Is that not enough for you? Contact us for more details today!

Spectrum analyzers, according to Wikipedia, “measure the magnitude of an input signal versus frequency within the full frequency range of the instrument. The primary use is to measure the power of the spectrum of known and unknown signals.
Now you want that translated into English, right? Read the full article to understand spectrum analysis better.

The process of breaking light up into a spectrum is "like passing white light through a prism." This process, called dispersion, arises because different colors (or wavelengths) of light bend by different amounts as they pass from, say, a low density medium (like air) into a higher density medium (like the glass in a prism). Hence, a narrow beam of "white" light will get spread out into a rainbow. Voila, a spectrum!

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

Internet of Medical Things -- Why Is Data Acquisition So Important?

data acquisition system

With every mention of Internet of medical things(IoMT)people lower their eyes not knowing what exactly are we talking about. A plain example would be that IoMT makes it possible to remotely monitor patients with chronic diseases or long-term conditions. And that’s not the only one, we must mention tracking patients’ medication orders and the location of patients admitted to hospitals as well as patients' wearable health devices which can send information to care-givers. IoMT is also “responsible” for infusion pumps connecting to analytics dashboards and hospital beds equipped with sensors measuring vitals of the patient. All these are medical devices can and will be converted to or deployed as technology that is part of IoMT.

Like with the larger Internet of Things (IoT), there are now higher number of available applications of IoMT than before as many consumers’ mobile devices are built with Near Field Communication (NFC) radio frequency identification (RFID) tags. Having that build-in, the devices can now share information with IT systems. It is also possible to place RFID tags on medical equipment and supplies thus making hospital staff aware of the numbers they have in stock. Reading this, you’ve probably realized that any of this would not be possible without proper data acquisition tools and data loggersoftware

The telemedicine is slowly becoming possible. Using IoMT devices to remotely watch over patients in their homes is a reality. Not only that this kind of treatment spares patients from the commute to a hospital or physician's office whenever they have a medical question or change in their condition, but also makes it easier for doctors to monitor and schedule treatments and to provide the best possible health-care to the one that really needs it at the given moment. 

IoMT is the future of medicine, and data acquisition systems are the core of their existence. ReadyDAQ has developed a software that helps the automatization part of this process, if you’re in the industry, give it a try (There is a free trial version) and start using ReadyDAQ today!

With every mention of Internet of medical things(IoMT)people lower their eyes not knowing what exactly are we talking about, but using IoMT devices to remotely watch over patients in their homes is already a reality, and data acquisition system are the core of their existence.

The IoT will soon become as ubiquitous as the Internet itself, and the IoMT has the potential to transform the way in which healthcare is delivered. Patients will be the group that ultimately decides which devices will be adopted, so we must always remember to design these tools for patients above all else.